Cold shiver down my spine

 He was packing again to go on yet another business trip. He would always leave on a Sunday night and come back the following Friday night. He always seemed to distance himself from the Sunday morning and the arguments would start. It felt like I was married to a pilot. I never signed up to be alone so much and to raise my kids alone.

The drive to the airport was silent and cold. He gave me a peck kiss goodbye and said he would message when he could. 

I received some messages, a few phone calls. He seemed very busy. I did notice that he was online extremely late or should I say early. His timestamp on WhatsApp was last seen at 02:30am. This carried on for a few days in a row. I asked him why. He said that he was there with a colleague Tony and they were going out for dinner and then having a few drinks at a bar after. 

The week passed by and our relationship was taking strain. We arranged that I pick him up from the airport, he said he would call me when he landed.

When he landed he called me from a number I didn't recognise. He said his phone had died and he was calling from Tony's phone. 

I couldn't find him so I called Tony's phone. As I heard hello on the other end, a cold shiver went down my spine.

 Can you guess why?

Liv Holiday

Mom of three beautiful children, Instagram influencer.

Applying for a South African passport for a minor child whilst one parent lives abroad